Andrew Wakefield thankful the truth about vaccines is out

Imagine a warm, sunny day in the future. Andrew Wakefield calls a press conference. He walks out, stands there, solemn, eyes downcast, a slight hint of a smile. The weight of the world has been lifted from him but there’s a lingering taste of the tragic struggle that seemed to have no end in sight. He thanks everyone. There are headlines in The New York Times, The Washington Post, TIME, Forbes, and countless other major news sources exposing the truth that vaccines were not safe or effective—that they had indeed injured or killed hundreds of millions of people. The mainstream science had been proven wrong and the so-called quacks had been shown to be right all along.

I am here to say how relieved and grateful I am that the truth about vaccines has finally come out. I want to thank all of the people who lent me their confidence and support, who bravely and stubbornly endured all the hatefulness and name-calling for simply questioning and doubting the powers that be during this darkest of dark times in the history of our planet. You did your homework and you stood up. I cannot sufficiently express my sorrow to the legions of people who have immensely suffered from the loss of their health or the health of loved ones… the death of loved ones. The destruction of so many lives seems unfathomable. Even more so, given that it was enabled by the ignorance, ineptitude, greed and fear of my fellow doctors, public health officials, journalists, and our elected government representatives, who allowed themselves to be fooled and swayed by a corrupt industry. It was all so unnecessary, and I wish it would have been different. At least now the nightmare can begin to fade, although the memories of those we have lost will never fade. Thank you.

The British abolitionist William Wilberforce once said, “You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.” The information about the harm vaccines cause has been out there for decades. The prophets have been preaching passionately, loudly for a long time. But those charged with the sacred obligation of caring for our health have refused to open their eyes. There has never been a good excuse for the charade.

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